About Us: Philosophy of N a Sonje

The "N a Sonje" Foundation is a vision that came to life in  2000, in 2002 it was given permission from the mayorship of Petionville to function but it was officially published in Haiti's National Press recognized as a Foundation in 2009, photo at right) has been created with the intention to participate in efforts towards the healing of collective wounds left by the traumatic historical encounter of the African, Native and European peoples and their descendants. The objectives of the "N a Sonje" Foundation are sevenfold (abridged version): 1) To contribute to the restoration of the collective historical memory; 2) To contribute to the revealing of the impact of the history of colonization, the slave trade, slavery, and the genocide of Native American peoples; 3) To relive, in a personal way, the historical conditions of slavery up to the revolution and forming of the nation of Ayiti; 4) To facilitate the personal and collective historical responsibilities; 5) To contribute to the restoration of the respect and dignity of the African, Native American peoples; 6) Investigate various means of bringing reparative actions to this history; 7) To heal by searching for new models of interactions that are just, free, respectful and equal among all peoples.

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